Vocabulary : Labra to Labrums
Labra : of Labrum
Labrador : A region of British America on the Atlantic coast, north of Newfoundland.
Labradorite : A kind of feldspar commonly showing a beautiful play of colors, and hence much used for ornamental purposes. The finest specimens come from Labrador. See Feldspar.
Labras : Lips.
Labret : A piece of wood, shell, stone, or other substance, worn in a perforation of the lip or cheek by many savages.
Labri : of Labrus
Labroid : Like the genus Labrus; belonging to the family Labridae, an extensive family of marine fishes, often brilliantly colored, which are very abundant in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The tautog and cunner are American examples.
Labrose : Having thick lips.
Labrum : A lip or edge, as of a basin. ;; An organ in insects and crustaceans covering the upper part of the mouth, and serving as an upper lip. See Illust. of Hymenoptera. ;; The external margin of the aperture of a shell. See Univalve.
Labrums : of Labrum
: Labrus, Laburnic, Laburnine, Laburnum, Labyrinth, Labyrinthal, Labyrinthian, Labyrinthibranch, Labyrinthic, Labyrinthical
: Laboratory, Labored, Laboredly, Laborer, Laboring, Laborious, Laborless, Laborous, Labor-saving, Laborsome
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary