Vocabulary : Labyrinthici to Laccic
Labyrinthici : An order of teleostean fishes, including the Anabas, or climbing perch, and other allied fishes.
Labyrinthiform : Having the form of a labyrinth; intricate.
Labyrinthine : Pertaining to, or like, a labyrinth; labyrinthal.
Labyrinthodon : A genus of very large fossil amphibians, of the Triassic period, having bony plates on the under side of the body. It is the type of the order Labyrinthodonta. Called also Mastodonsaurus.
Labyrinthodont : Of or pertaining to the Labyrinthodonta. ;; One of the Labyrinthodonta.
Labyrinthodonta : An extinct order of Amphibia, including the typical genus Labyrinthodon, and many other allied forms, from the Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic formations. By recent writers they are divided into two or more orders. See Stegocephala.
Lac : Alt. of Lakh ;; A resinous substance produced mainly on the banyan tree, but to some extent on other trees, by the Coccus lacca, a scale-shaped insect, the female of which fixes herself on the bark, and exudes from the margin of her body this resinous substance.
Lacashire boiler : A steam boiler having two flues which contain the furnaces and extend through the boiler from end to end.
Lacasterian : Of or pertaining to the monitorial system of instruction followed by Joseph Lancaster, of England, in which advanced pupils in a school teach pupils below them.
Laccic : Pertaining to lac, or produced from it; as, laccic acid.
: Laccin, Laccolite, Laccolith, Lace, Lace-bark, Laced, Lacedaemonian, Laceman, Lacemen, Lacerable
: Labrus, Laburnic, Laburnine, Laburnum, Labyrinth, Labyrinthal, Labyrinthian, Labyrinthibranch, Labyrinthic, Labyrinthical
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary