Vocabulary : Laciniae to Lackadaisy
Laciniae : of Lacinia
Laciniate : Alt. of Laciniated
Laciniated : Fringed; having a fringed border. ;; Cut into deep, narrow, irregular lobes; slashed.
Laciniolate : Consisting of, or abounding in, very minute laciniae.
Lacinula : A diminutive lacinia.
Lacinulae : of Lacinula
Lacinulas : of Lacinula
Lack : Blame; cause of blame; fault; crime; offense. ;; Deficiency; want; need; destitution; failure; as, a lack of sufficient food. ;; To blame; to find fault with. ;; To be without or destitute of; to want; to need. ;; To be wanting; often, impersonally, with of, meaning, to be less than, short, not quite, etc. ;; To be in want. ;; Exclamation of regret or surprise.
Lackadaisical : Affectedly pensive; languidly sentimental.
Lackadaisy : An expression of languor. ;; Lackadaisical.
: Lackaday, Lackbrain, Lacked, Lacker, Lackey, Lackeyed, Lackeying, Lackeys, Lacking, Lackluster
: Lachrymal, Lachrymals, Lachrymary, Lachrymate, Lachrymation, Lachrymatory, Lachrymiform, Lachrymose, Lacing, Lacinia
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary