Vocabulary : Lady's hair to Lady's traces
Lady's hair : A plant of the genus Briza (B. media); a variety of quaking grass.
Lady's laces : A slender climbing plant; dodder.
Lady's looking-glass : See Venus's looking-glass, under Venus.
Lady's mantle : A genus of rosaceous herbs (Alchemilla), esp. the European A. vulgaris, which has leaves with rounded and finely serrated lobes.
Lady's seal : The European Solomon's seal (Polygonatum verticillatum). ;; The black bryony (Tamus communis).
Lady's slipper : Any orchidaceous plant of the genus Cypripedium, the labellum of which resembles a slipper. Less commonly, in the United States, the garden balsam (Impatiens Balsamina).
Lady's smock : A plant of the genus Cardamine (C. pratensis); cuckoo flower.
Lady's thimble : The harebell.
Lady's thumb : An annual weed (Polygonum Persicaria), having a lanceolate leaf with a dark spot in the middle.
Lady's traces : Alt. of Ladies' tresses
: Ladyship, Laelaps, Laemmergeyer, Laemodipod, Laemodipoda, Laemodipodous, Laetere Sunday, Laevigate, Laevo-, Laevorotatory
: Ladylike, Ladylikeness, Ladylove, Lady's bedstraw, Lady's bower, Lady's cloth, Lady's comb, Lady's cushion, Lady's finger, Lady's garters
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary