Vocabulary : Lagenas to Lagging
Lagenas : of Lagena
Lagenian : Like, or pertaining to, Lagena, a genus of Foraminifera having a straight, chambered shell.
Lageniform : Shaped like a bottle or flask; flag-shaped.
Lager : Lager beer.
Lager beer : Originally a German beer, but now also made in immense quantities in the United States; -- so called from its being laid up or stored for some months before use.
Lager wine : Wine which has been kept for some time in the cellar.
Laggard : Slow; sluggish; backward. ;; One who lags; a loiterer.
Lagged : of Lag
Lagger : A laggard.
Lagging : of Lag ;; The clothing (esp., an outer, wooden covering), as of a steam cylinder, applied to prevent the radiation of heat; a covering of lags; -- called also deading and cleading. ;; Lags, collectively; narrow planks extending from one rib to another in the centering of arches.
: Laggingly, Lagly, Lagnappe, Lagniappe, Lagomorph, Lagoon, Lagophthalmia, Lagophthalmos, Lagopous, Lagthing
: Laevulose, Lafayette, Laft, Lafte, Lag, Lagan, Lagarto, Lagemorpha, Lagena, Lagenae
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary