Vocabulary : Lamb to Lambent
Lamb : The young of the sheep. ;; Any person who is as innocent or gentle as a lamb. ;; A simple, unsophisticated person; in the cant of the Stock Exchange, one who ignorantly speculates and is victimized. ;; To bring forth a lamb or lambs, as sheep.
Lambale : A feast at the time of shearing lambs.
Lambaste : To beat severely.
Lambative : Taken by licking with the tongue. ;; A medicine taken by licking with the tongue; a lincture.
Lambda : The name of the Greek letter /, /, corresponding with the English letter L, l. ;; The point of junction of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures of the skull.
Lambdacism : A fault in speaking or in composition, which consists in too frequent use of the letter l, or in doubling it erroneously. ;; A defect in pronunciation of the letter l when doubled, which consists in giving it a sound as if followed by y, similar to that of the letters lli in billion. ;; The use of the sound of l for that of r in pronunciation; lallation; as, Amelican for American.
Lambdoid : Shaped like the Greek letter lambda (/); as, the lambdoid suture between the occipital and parietal bones of the skull.
Lambdoidal : Same as Lambdoid.
Lambed : of Lamb
Lambent : Playing on the surface; touching lightly; gliding over. ;; Twinkling or gleaming; fickering.
: Lambert pine, Lambing, Lambkill, Lambkin, Lamblike, Lamboys, Lambrequin, Lambskin, Lambskinnet, Lamb's-quarters
: Lamaic, Lamaism, Lamaist, Lamaistic, Lamaite, Lamantin, Lamarckian, Lamarckianism, Lamarckism, Lamasery
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary