Vocabulary : Lamentin to Laminae
Lamentin : See Lamantin.
Lamenting : of Lament ;; Lamentation.
Lamentingly : In a lamenting manner.
Lames : Small steel plates combined together so as to slide one upon the other and form a piece of armor.
Lametta : Foil or wire made of gold, silver, or brass.
Lamia : A monster capable of assuming a woman's form, who was said to devour human beings or suck their blood; a vampire; a sorceress; a witch.
Lamina : A thin plate or scale; a layer or coat lying over another; -- said of thin plates or platelike substances, as of bone or minerals. ;; The blade of a leaf; the broad, expanded portion of a petal or sepal of a flower. ;; A thin plate or scale; specif., one of the thin, flat processes composing the vane of a feather.
Laminability : The quality or state of being laminable.
Laminable : Capable of being split into laminae or thin plates, as mica; capable of being extended under pressure into a thin plate or strip.
Laminae : of Lamina
: Laminal, Laminar, Laminaria, Laminarian, Laminarite, Laminary, Laminas, Laminate, Laminated, Laminating
: Lamellirostral, Lamellirostres, Lamellose, Lamely, Lameness, Lament, Lamentable, Lamentation, Lamented, Lamenter
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary