Vocabulary : Lamination to Lammed
Lamination : The process of laminating, or the state of being laminated.
Laming : of Lame
Laminiferous : Having a structure consisting of laminae, or thin layers.
Laminiplantar : Having the tarsus covered behind with a horny sheath continuous on both sides, as in most singing birds, except the larks.
Laminitis : Inflammation of the laminae or fleshy plates along the coffin bone of a horse; founder.
Lamish : Somewhat lame.
Lamm : See Lam.
Lammaking : Enacting laws; legislative. ;; The enacting of laws; legislation.
Lammas : The first day of August; -- called also Lammas day, and Lammastide.
Lammed : of Lam
: Lammergeier, Lammergeir, Lamming, Lamnunguia, Lamp, Lampad, Lampadist, Lampadrome, Lampas, Lampate
: Laminal, Laminar, Laminaria, Laminarian, Laminarite, Laminary, Laminas, Laminate, Laminated, Laminating
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary