Vocabulary : Lampblack to Lampoon
Lampblack : The fine impalpable soot obtained from the smoke of carbonaceous substances which have been only partly burnt, as in the flame of a smoking lamp. It consists of finely divided carbon, with sometimes a very small proportion of various impurities. It is used as an ingredient of printers' ink, and various black pigments and cements.
Lamper eel : See Lamprey.
Lampern : The river lamprey (Ammocoetes, / Lampetra, fluviatilis).
Lampers : See Lampas.
Lampic : Pertaining to, or produced by, a lamp; -- formerly said of a supposed acid.
Lamping : Shining; brilliant.
Lampless : Being without a lamp, or without light; hence, being without appreciation; dull.
Lamplight : Light from a lamp.
Lamplighter : One who, or that which, lights a lamp; esp., a person who lights street lamps. ;; The calico bass.
Lampoon : A personal satire in writing; usually, malicious and abusive censure written only to reproach and distress. ;; To subject to abusive ridicule expressed in writing; to make the subject of a lampoon.
: Lampooned, Lampooner, Lampooning, Lampoonry, Lamp-post, Lamprel, Lamprey, Lampreys, Lampron, Lampyrine
: Lammergeier, Lammergeir, Lamming, Lamnunguia, Lamp, Lampad, Lampadist, Lampadrome, Lampas, Lampate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary