Vocabulary : Largesse to Lariat
Largesse : Liberality; generosity; bounty. ;; A present; a gift; a bounty bestowed.
Larget : A sport piece of bar iron for rolling into a sheet; a small billet.
Larghetto : Somewhat slow or slowly, but not so slowly as largo, and rather more so than andante.
Largifical : Generous; ample; liberal.
Largifluous : Flowing copiously.
Largiloquent : Grandiloquent.
Largish : Somewhat large.
Largition : The bestowment of a largess or gift.
Largo : Slow or slowly; -- more so than adagio; next in slowness to grave, which is also weighty and solemn. ;; A movement or piece in largo time.
Lariat : A long, slender rope made of hemp or strips of hide, esp. one with a noose; -- used as a lasso for catching cattle, horses, etc., and for picketing a horse so that he can graze without wandering. ;; To secure with a lariat fastened to a stake, as a horse or mule for grazing; also, to lasso or catch with a lariat.
: Lariated, Lariating, Larine, Larixinic, Lark, Lark-colored, Larked, Larker, Larking, Lark's-heel
: Lardy, Lare, Lares, Large, Large-acred, Large-handed, Large-hearted, Largely, Largeness, Largess
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary