Vocabulary : Larkspur to Larum
Larkspur : A genus of ranunculaceous plants (Delphinium), having showy flowers, and a spurred calyx. They are natives of the North Temperate zone. The commonest larkspur of the gardens is D. Consolida. The flower of the bee larkspur (D. elatum) has two petals bearded with yellow hairs, and looks not unlike a bee.Larmier : See Tearpit.
Laroid : Like or belonging to the Gull family (Laridae).
Larrikin : A rowdy street loafer; a rowdyish or noisy ill-bred fellow; -- variously applied, as to a street blackguard, a street Arab, a youth given to horse-play, etc. ;; Rowdy; rough; disorderly.
Larrup : To beat or flog soundly.