Vocabulary : Laterite to Lath

Laterite : An argillaceous sandstone, of a red color, and much seamed; -- found in India.
Lateritic : Consisting of, containing, or characterized by, laterite; as, lateritic formations.
Lateritious : Like bricks; of the color of red bricks.
Lates : A genus of large percoid fishes, of which one species (Lates Niloticus) inhabits the Nile, and another (L. calcarifer) is found in the Ganges and other Indian rivers. They are valued as food fishes.
Latescence : A slight withdrawal from view or knowledge.
Latescent : Slightly withdrawn from view or knowledge; as, a latescent meaning.
Latewake : See Lich wake, under Lich.
Lateward : Somewhat late; backward.
Latex : A milky or colored juice in certain plants in cavities (called latex cells or latex tubes). It contains the peculiar principles of the plants, whether aromatic, bitter, or acid, and in many instances yields caoutchouc upon coagulation.
Lath : A thin, narrow strip of wood, nailed to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of a building, for the purpose of supporting the tiles, plastering, etc. A corrugated metallic strip or plate is sometimes used. ;; To cover or line with laths.
Next : Lathe, Lathed, Lather, Lathered, Lathereeve, Lathering, Lathing, Lathreeve, Laths, Lath-shaped
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