Vocabulary : Laughed to Laumontite
Laughed : of Laugh
Laugher : One who laughs. ;; A variety of the domestic pigeon.
Laughing : of Laugh ;; from Laugh, v. i.
Laughingly : With laughter or merriment.
Laughingstock : An object of ridicule; a butt of sport.
Laughsome : Exciting laughter; also, addicted to laughter; merry.
Laughter : A movement (usually involuntary) of the muscles of the face, particularly of the lips, with a peculiar expression of the eyes, indicating merriment, satisfaction, or derision, and usually attended by a sonorous and interrupted expulsion of air from the lungs. See Laugh, v. i.
Laughterless : Not laughing; without laughter.
Laughworthy : Deserving to be laughed at.
Laumontite : A mineral, of a white color and vitreous luster. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and lime. Exposed to the air, it loses water, becomes opaque, and crumbles.
: Launce, Launcegaye, Launch, Launched, Launching, Laund, Launder, Laundered, Launderer, Laundering
: Laudanum, Laudation, Laudative, Laudator, Laudatory, Lauded, Lauder, Lauding, Laugh, Laughable
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary