Vocabulary : Leaser to Leasy
Leaser : One who leases or gleans. ;; A liar.
Leash : A thong of leather, or a long cord, by which a falconer holds his hawk, or a courser his dog. ;; A brace and a half; a tierce; three; three creatures of any kind, especially greyhounds, foxes, bucks, and hares; hence, the number three in general. ;; A string with a loop at the end for lifting warp threads, in a loom. ;; To tie together, or hold, with a leash.
Leashed : of Leash
Leashing : of Leash
Leasing : of Lease ;; The act of lying; falsehood; a lie or lies.
Leasow : A pasture.
Least : Smallest, either in size or degree; shortest; lowest; most unimportant; as, the least insect; the least mercy; the least space. ;; In the smallest or lowest degree; in a degree below all others; as, to reward those who least deserve it. ;; See Lest, conj.
Leastways : Alt. of Leastwise
Leastwise : At least; at all events.
Leasy : Flimsy; vague; deceptive.
: Leat, Leather, Leatherback, Leathered, Leatheret, Leatherette, Leatherhead, Leathering, Leathern, Leatherneck
: Learnable, Learned, Learner, Learning, Learnt, Leasable, Lease, Leased, Leasehold, Leaseholder
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary