Vocabulary : Lecithin to Lectured
Lecithin : A complex, nitrogenous phosphorized substance widely distributed through the animal body, and especially conspicuous in the brain and nerve tissue, in yolk of eggs, and in the white blood corpuscles.
lectern : See Lecturn.
Lectica : A kind of litter or portable couch.
Lecticae : of Lectica
Lection : A lesson or selection, esp. of Scripture, read in divine service. ;; A reading; a variation in the text.
Lectionary : A book, or a list, of lections, for reading in divine service.
Lector : A reader of lections; formerly, a person designated to read lessons to the illiterate.
Lectual : Confining to the bed; as, a lectual disease.
Lecture : The act of reading; as, the lecture of Holy Scripture. ;; A discourse on any subject; especially, a formal or methodical discourse, intended for instruction; sometimes, a familiar discourse, in contrast with a sermon. ;; A reprimand or formal reproof from one having authority. ;; A rehearsal of a lesson. ;; To read or deliver a lecture to. ;; To reprove formally and with authority. ;; To deliver a lecture or lectures.
Lectured : of Lecture
: Lecturer, Lectureship, Lecturing, Lecturn, Lecythis, Led, Ledden, Leden, Ledge, Ledgement
: Lecanoric, Lecanorin, Lech, Leche, Lecher, Lechered, Lecherer, Lechering, Lecherous, Lechery
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary