Vocabulary : Leeringly to Left-hand

Leeringly : In a leering manner.
Lees : of Lee ;; Dregs. See 2d Lee. ;; A leash.
Leese : To lose. ;; To hurt.
Leet : of Let, to allow. ;; A portion; a list, esp. a list of candidates for an office. ;; A court-leet; the district within the jurisdiction of a court-leet; the day on which a court-leet is held. ;; The European pollock.
Leetman : One subject to the jurisdiction of a court-leet.
Leetmen : of Leetman
Leeward : Pertaining to, or in the direction of, the part or side toward which the wind blows; -- opposed to windward; as, a leeward berth; a leeward ship. ;; The lee side; the lee. ;; Toward the lee.
Leeway : The lateral movement of a ship to the leeward of her course; drift.
Left : of Leave ;; of Leave. ;; Of or pertaining to that side of the body in man on which the muscular action of the limbs is usually weaker than on the other side; -- opposed to right, when used in reference to a part of the body; as, the left hand, or arm; the left ear. Also said of the corresponding side of the lower animals. ;; That part of surrounding space toward which the left side of one's body is turned; as, the house is on the left when you face North. ;; Those members of a legislative assembly (as in France) who are in the opposition; the advanced republicans and extreme radicals. They have their seats at the left-hand side of the presiding officer. See Center, and Right. ;; Situated so that the left side of the body is toward it; as, the left side of a deliberative meeting is that to the left of the presiding officer; the left wing of an army is that to the left of the center to one facing an enemy.
Left-hand : Situated on the left; nearer the left hand than the right; as, the left-hand side; the left-hand road.
Next : Left-handed, Left-handedness, Left-handiness, Left-off, Leftward, Leful, Leg, Leg bridge, Legacies, Legacy
Previous : Leed, Leede, Leef, Leek, Leeme, Leep, Leer, Leere, Leered, Leering
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