Vocabulary : Legged to Legibleness
Legged : Having (such or so many) legs; -- used in composition; as, a long-legged man; a two-legged animal.
Leggiadro : Alt. of Leggiero
Leggiero : Light or graceful; in a light, delicate, and brisk style.
Leggin : A cover for the leg, like a long gaiter.
Legging : Alt. of Leggin ;; a. & vb. n., from Leg, v. t.
Leggy : Having long legs.
Leghorn : A straw plaiting used for bonnets and hats, made from the straw of a particular kind of wheat, grown for the purpose in Tuscany, Italy; -- so called from Leghorn, the place of exportation.
Legibility : The quality of being legible; legibleness.
Legible : Capable of being read or deciphered; distinct to the eye; plain; -- used of writing or printing; as, a fair, legible manuscript. ;; Capable of being discovered or understood by apparent marks or indications; as, the thoughts of men are often legible in their countenances.
Legibleness : The state or quality of being legible.
: Legibly, Legific, Legion, Legionaries, Legionary, Legioned, Legionry, Legislate, Legislated, Legislating
: Lege, Legement, Legend, Legendary, Leger, Legerdemain, Legerdemainist, Legerity, Leges, Legge
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary