Vocabulary : Legitimism to Legume
Legitimism : The principles or plans of legitimists.
Legitimist : One who supports legitimate authority; esp., one who believes in hereditary monarchy, as a divine right. ;; Specifically, a supporter of the claims of the elder branch of the Bourbon dynasty to the crown of France.
Legitimize : To legitimate.
Legitimized : of Legitimize
Legitimizing : of Legitimize
Legless : Not having a leg.
Leg-of-mutton : Having the general shape or outline of a leg of mutton; as, a leg-of-mutton, or shoulder-of-mutton, sail.
Lego-literary : Pertaining to the literature of law.
Leguleian : Lawyerlike; legal. ;; A lawyer.
Legume : A pod dehiscent into two pieces or valves, and having the seed attached at one suture, as that of the pea. ;; The fruit of leguminous plants, as peas, beans, lupines; pulse.
: Legumen, Legumens, Legumin, Legumina, Leguminous, Leiger, Leiotrichan, Leiotrichi, Leiotrichous, Leipoa
: Legitim, Legitimacy, Legitimate, Legitimated, Legitimately, Legitimateness, Legitimating, Legitimation, Legitimatist, Legitimatize
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary