Vocabulary : Lesbian to Lessened
Lesbian : Of or pertaining to the island anciently called Lesbos, now Mitylene, in the Grecian Archipelago. ;; Amatory; erotic; -- in allusion to the reputed sensuality of the Lesbian people and literature; as, Lesbian novels.
Lesbian love : See Lesbianism.
Lesbianism : Unnatural sexual relations between women.
Lese : To lose.
Lese-majesty : See Leze majesty.
Lesion : A hurt; an injury. ;; Loss sustained from failure to fulfill a bargain or contract. ;; Any morbid change in the exercise of functions or the texture of organs.
Less : Unless. ;; Smaller; not so large or great; not so much; shorter; inferior; as, a less quantity or number; a horse of less size or value; in less time than before. ;; Not so much; in a smaller or lower degree; as, less bright or loud; less beautiful. ;; A smaller portion or quantity. ;; The inferior, younger, or smaller. ;; To make less; to lessen.
Lessee : The person to whom a lease is given, or who takes an estate by lease.
Lessen : To make less; to reduce; to make smaller, or fewer; to diminish; to lower; to degrade; as, to lessen a kingdom, or a population; to lessen speed, rank, fortune. ;; To become less; to shrink; to contract; to decrease; to be diminished; as, the apparent magnitude of objects lessens as we recede from them; his care, or his wealth, lessened.
Lessened : of Lessen
: Lessener, Lessening, Lesser, Lesses, Lesson, Lessoned, Lessoning, Lessor, Lest, Lester
: Leptothrix, Leptus, Leptynite, Lere, Lered, Lernaea, Lernaeacea, Lernean, Lerot, Les
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary