Vocabulary : Lethargize to Lethiferous
Lethargize : To make lethargic.
Lethargized : of Lethargize
Lethargizing : of Lethargize
Lethargy : Morbid drowsiness; continued or profound sleep, from which a person can scarcely be awaked. ;; A state of inaction or indifference. ;; To lethargize.
Lethe : Death. ;; A river of Hades whose waters when drunk caused forgetfulness of the past. ;; Oblivion; a draught of oblivion; forgetfulness.
Lethean : Of or pertaining to Lethe; resembling in effect the water of Lethe.
Letheed : Caused by Lethe.
Letheon : Sulphuric ether used as an anaesthetic agent.
Letheonize : To subject to the influence of letheon.
Lethiferous : Deadly; bringing death or destruction.
: Lethy, Let-off, Lette, Letted, Letter, Lettered, Letterer, Lettergram, Lettering, Letterless
: Let, Let-alone, Letch, Letchy, Lete, Leten, Lethal, Lethality, Lethargic, Lethargical
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary