Vocabulary : Letuary to Leucite
Letuary : Electuary.
Let-up : Abatement; also, cessation; as, it blew a gale for three days without any let-up.
Leuc- : Same as Leuco-. ;; A combining form signifying white, colorless; specif. (Chem.), denoting an extensive series of colorless organic compounds, obtained by reduction from certain other colored compounds; as, leucaniline, leucaurin, etc.
Leucadendron : A genus of evergreen shrubs from the Cape of Good Hope, having handsome foliage. Leucadendron argenteum is the silverboom of the colonists.
Leucaniline : A colorless, crystalline, organic base, obtained from rosaniline by reduction, and also from other sources. It forms colorless salts.
Leuchaemia : See Leucocythaemia.
Leucic : Alt. of Leucinic
Leucin : A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance formed in the decomposition of albuminous matter by pancreatic digestion, by the action of boiling dilute sulphuric acid, and by putrefaction. It is also found as a constituent of various tissues and organs, as the spleen, pancreas, etc., and likewise in the vegetable kingdom. Chemically it is to be considered as amido-caproic acid.
Leucinic : Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from leucin, and called also oxycaproic acid.
Leucite : A mineral having a glassy fracture, occurring in translucent trapezohedral crystals. It is a silicate of alumina and potash. It is found in the volcanic rocks of Italy, especially at Vesuvius. ;; A leucoplast.
: Leucitic, Leucitoid, Leuco-, Leucocyte, Leucocythaemia, Leucocythemia, Leucocytogenesis, Leucoethiops, Leucoline, Leucoma
: Lettern, Letterpress, Letterure, Letterwood, Lettic, Letting, Lettish, Lettrure, Letts, Lettuce
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary