Vocabulary : Leucomaine to Leucoplastid

Leucomaine : An animal base or alkaloid, appearing in the tissue during life; hence, a vital alkaloid, as distinguished from a ptomaine or cadaveric poison.
Leuconic : Pertaining to, or designating, a complex organic acid, obtained as a yellowish white gum by the oxidation of croconic acid.
Leucopathy : The state of an albino, or of a white child of black parents.
Leucophane : A mineral of a greenish yellow color; it is a silicate of glucina, lime, and soda with fluorine. Called also leucophanite.
Leucophlegmacy : A dropsical habit of body, or the commencement of anasarca; paleness, with viscid juices and cold sweats.
Leucophlegmatic : Having a dropsical habit of body, with a white bloated skin.
Leucophyll : A colorless substance isomeric with chlorophyll, contained in parts of plants capable of becoming green.
Leucophyllous : Having white or silvery foliage.
Leucoplast : Alt. of Leucoplastid
Leucoplastid : One of certain very minute whitish or colorless granules occurring in the protoplasm of plants and supposed to be the nuclei around which starch granules will form.
Next : Leucopyrite, Leucorrhoea, Leucoryx, Leucoscope, Leucosoid, Leucosphere, Leucoturic, Leucous, Leucoxene, Leukaemia
Previous : Leucitic, Leucitoid, Leuco-, Leucocyte, Leucocythaemia, Leucocythemia, Leucocytogenesis, Leucoethiops, Leucoline, Leucoma
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