Vocabulary : Levesel to Levigated
Levesel : A leafy shelter; a place covered with foliage.
Levet : A trumpet call for rousing soldiers; a reveille.
Leviable : Fit to be levied; capable of being assessed and collected; as, sums leviable by course of law.
Leviathan : An aquatic animal, described in the book of Job, ch. xli., and mentioned in other passages of Scripture. ;; The whale, or a great whale.
Levied : of Levy
Levier : One who levies.
Levies : of Levy
Levigable : Capable of being levigated.
Levigate : Made less harsh or burdensome; alleviated. ;; To make smooth in various senses ;; To free from grit; to reduce to an impalpable powder or paste. ;; To mix thoroughly, as liquids or semiliquids. ;; To polish. ;; To make smooth in action. ;; Technically, to make smooth by rubbing in a moist condition between hard surfaces, as in grinding pigments. ;; Made smooth, as if polished.
Levigated : of Levigate
: Levigating, Levigation, Levin, Leviner, Levir, Levirate, Leviratical, Leviration, Levirostres, Levitate
: Levelled, Levelling, Levelly, Levelness, Leven, Lever, Leverage, Leveret, Leverock, Leverwood
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary