Vocabulary : Leyden jar to Liableness
Leyden jar : Alt. of Leyden phial
Leyden phial : A glass jar or bottle used to accumulate electricity. It is coated with tin foil, within and without, nearly to its top, and is surmounted by a brass knob which communicates with the inner coating, for the purpose of charging it with electricity. It is so named from having been invented in Leyden, Holland.
Leyser : Leisure.
Leze majesty : Any crime committed against the sovereign power.
Li : A Chinese measure of distance, being a little more than one third of a mile. ;; A Chinese copper coin; a cash. See Cash.
Li bella : A small balance. ;; A level, or leveling instrument.
Liabilities : of Liability
Liability : The state of being liable; as, the liability of an insurer; liability to accidents; liability to the law. ;; That which one is under obligation to pay, or for which one is liable. ;; the sum of one's pecuniary obligations; -- opposed to assets.
Liable : Bound or obliged in law or equity; responsible; answerable; as, the surety is liable for the debt of his principal. ;; Exposed to a certain contingency or casualty, more or less probable; -- with to and an infinitive or noun; as, liable to slip; liable to accident.
Liableness : Quality of being liable; liability.
: liad, Liage, Liaison, Liana, Liane, Liangle, Liar, Liard, Lias, Liassic
: Lexicologist, Lexicology, Lexicon, Lexiconist, Lexigraphic, Lexigraphy, Lexiphanic, Lexiphanicism, Lexipharmic, Ley
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary