Vocabulary : Libken to Librate
Libken : Alt. of Libkin
Libkin : A house or lodging.
Libra : The Balance; the seventh sign in the zodiac, which the sun enters at the autumnal equinox in September, marked thus / in almanacs, etc. ;; A southern constellation between Virgo and Scorpio.
Librae : of Libra
Libral : Of a pound weight.
Librarian : One who has the care or charge of a library. ;; One who copies manuscript books.
Librarianship : The office of a librarian.
Libraries : of Library
Library : A considerable collection of books kept for use, and not as merchandise; as, a private library; a public library. ;; A building or apartment appropriated for holding such a collection of books.
Librate : To vibrate as a balance does before resting in equilibrium; hence, to be poised. ;; To poise; to balance.
: Librated, Librating, Libration, Libration point, Libratory, Libretti, Librettist, Libretto, Librettos, Libriform
: Liberticide, Liberties, Libertinage, Libertine, Libertinism, Liberty, Libethenite, Libidinist, Libidinosity, Libidinous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary