Vocabulary : Lifeboat to Lifen

Lifeboat : A strong, buoyant boat especially designed for saving the lives of shipwrecked people.
Lifeful : Full of vitality.
Life-giving : Giving life or spirit; having power to give life; inspiriting; invigorating.
Lifehold : Land held by a life estate.
Lifeless : Destitute of life, or deprived of life; not containing, or inhabited by, living beings or vegetation; dead, or apparently dead; spiritless; powerless; dull; as, a lifeless carcass; lifeless matter; a lifeless desert; a lifeless wine; a lifeless story.
Lifelike : Like a living being; resembling life; giving an accurate representation; as, a lifelike portrait.
Lifelong : Lasting or continuing through life.
Lifely : In a lifelike manner.
Lifemate : Companion for life.
Lifen : To enliven.
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