Vocabulary : Lighty to Lignin
Lighty : Illuminated.
Lign-aloes : Aloes wood, or agallochum. See Agallochum. ;; A fragrant tree mentioned in the Bible.
Ligneous : Made of wood; consisting of wood; of the nature of, or resembling, wood; woody.
Ligniferous : Yielding or producing wood.
Lignification : A change in the character of a cell wall, by which it becomes harder. It is supposed to be due to an incrustation of lignin.
Lignified : of Lignify
Ligniform : Like wood.
Lignify : To convert into wood or into a ligneous substance. ;; To become wood.
Lignifying : of Lignify
Lignin : A substance characterizing wood cells and differing from cellulose in its conduct with certain chemical reagents.
: Ligniperdous, Lignireose, Lignite, Lignitic, Lignitiferous, Lignoceric, Lignone, Lignose, Lignous, Lignum rhodium
: Lightning, Light-o'-love, Lightroom, Lights, Light-ship, Lightsome, Lightstruck, Lightweight, Light-winged, Lightwood
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary