Vocabulary : Lilac to Lilt
Lilac : A shrub of the genus Syringa. There are six species, natives of Europe and Asia. Syringa vulgaris, the common lilac, and S. Persica, the Persian lilac, are frequently cultivated for the fragrance and beauty of their purplish or white flowers. In the British colonies various other shrubs have this name. ;; A light purplish color like that of the flower of the purplish lilac.
Lilacin : See Syringin.
Liliaceous : Of or pertaining to a natural order of which the lily, tulip, and hyacinth are well-known examples. ;; Like the blossom of a lily in general form.
Lilial : Having a general resemblance to lilies or to liliaceous plants.
Lilied : Covered with, or having many, lilies.
Lilies : of Lily
Lill : To loll.
Lilliputian : One belonging to a very diminutive race described in Swift's "Voyage to Lilliput." ;; A person or thing of very small size. ;; Of or pertaining to the imaginary island of Lilliput described by Swift, or to its inhabitants. ;; Of very small size; diminutive; dwarfed.
Lilly-pilly : An Australian myrtaceous tree (Eugenia Smithii), having smooth ovate leaves, and panicles of small white flowers. The wood is hard and fine-grained.
Lilt : To do anything with animation and quickness, as to skip, fly, or hop. ;; To sing cheerfully. ;; To utter with spirit, animation, or gayety; to sing with spirit and liveliness. ;; Animated, brisk motion; spirited rhythm; sprightliness. ;; A lively song or dance; a cheerful tune.
: Lily, Lily-handed, Lily-livered, Lilywort, Lim, Lim naea, Lima, Limaceous, Limacina, Limaille
: Like-minded, Liken, Likened, Likeness, Likening, Likerous, Likerousness, Likewise, Likin, Liking
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary