Vocabulary : Limbered to Limburger cheese
Limbered : of Limber
Limbering : of Limber
Limberness : The quality or state of being limber; flexibleness.
Limbless : Destitute of limbs.
Limbmeal : Piecemeal.
Limbo : Alt. of Limbus
Limbous : With slightly overlapping borders; -- said of a suture.
Limburg cheese : Alt. of Limburger cheese
Limburger : Alt. of Limburger cheese
Limburger cheese : A soft cheese made in the Belgian province of Limburg (Limbourg), and usually not eaten until the curing has developed a peculiar and, to most people, unpleasant odor.
: Limbus, Lime, Lime twig, Limed, Limehound, Limekiln, Limelight, Limenean, Limer, Limerick
: Liman, Limation, Limature, Limax, Limb, Limbat, Limbate, Limbec, Limbed, Limber
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary