Vocabulary : Limu to Linarite
Limu : The Hawaiian name for seaweeds. Over sixty kinds are used as food, and have species names, as Limu Lipoa, Limu palawai, etc.
Limule : A limulus.
Limuli : of Limulus
Limuloidea : An order of Merostomata, including among living animals the genus Limulus, with various allied fossil genera, mostly of the Carboniferous period. Called also Xiphosura.
Limulus : The only existing genus of Merostomata. It includes only a few species from the East Indies, and one (Limulus polyphemus) from the Atlantic coast of North America. Called also Molucca crab, king crab, horseshoe crab, and horsefoot.
Limy : Smeared with, or consisting of, lime; viscous. ;; Containing lime; as, a limy soil. ;; Resembling lime; having the qualities of lime.
Lin : To yield; to stop; to cease. ;; To cease from. ;; A pool or collection of water, particularly one above or below a fall of water. ;; A waterfall, or cataract; as, a roaring lin. ;; A steep ravine.
Linage : See Lineage.
Linament : Lint; esp., lint made into a tent for insertion into wounds or ulcers.
Linarite : A hydrous sulphate of lead and copper occurring in bright blue monoclinic crystals.
: Linch, Linchi, Linchpin, Lincoln green, Lincture, Linctus, Lind, Linden, Lindia, Lindiform
: Limpidity, Limpidness, Limpin, Limping, Limpingly, Limpitude, Limpkin, Limpness, Limpsy, Limsy
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary