Vocabulary : Line to Linear-shaped
Line : Flax; linen. ;; The longer and finer fiber of flax. ;; To cover the inner surface of; as, to line a cloak with silk or fur; to line a box with paper or tin. ;; To put something in the inside of; to fill; to supply, as a purse with money. ;; To place persons or things along the side of for security or defense; to strengthen by adding anything; to fortify; as, to line works with soldiers. ;; To impregnate; -- applied to brute animals. ;; A linen thread or string; a slender, strong cord; also, a cord of any thickness; a rope; a hawser; as, a fishing line; a line for snaring birds; a clothesline; a towline. ;; A more or less threadlike mark of pen, pencil, or graver; any long mark; as, a chalk line. ;; The course followed by anything in motion; hence, a road or route; as, the arrow descended in a curved line; the place is remote from lines of travel. ;; Direction; as, the line of sight or vision. ;; A row of letters, words, etc., written or printed; esp., a row of words extending across a page or column. ;; A shoLineage : Descent in a line from a common progenitor; progeny; race; descending line of offspring or ascending line of parentage.
Lineal : Descending in a direct line from an ancestor; hereditary; derived from ancestors; -- opposed to collateral; as, a lineal descent or a lineal descendant. ;; Inheriting by direct descent; having the right by direct descent to succeed (to). ;; Composed of lines; delineated; as, lineal designs. ;; In the direction of a line; of or pertaining to a line; measured on, or ascertained by, a line; linear; as, lineal magnitude.
Lineality : The quality of being lineal.
Lineally : In a lineal manner; as, the prince is lineally descended from the Conqueror.