Vocabulary : Linguatulina to Lingulate
Linguatulina : An order of wormlike, degraded, parasitic arachnids. They have two pairs of retractile hooks, near the mouth. Called also Pentastomida.
Linguidental : Linguadental.
Linguiform : Having the form of the tongue; tongue-shaped.
Linguist : A master of the use of language; a talker. ;; A person skilled in languages.
Linguistic : Alt. of Linguistical
Linguistical : Of or pertaining to language; relating to linguistics, or to the affinities of languages.
Linguistically : In a linguistic manner; from the point of view of a linguist.
Linguistics : The science of languages, or of the origin, signification, and application of words; glossology.
Lingula : A tonguelike process or part. ;; Any one of numerous species of brachiopod shells belonging to the genus Lingula, and related genera. See Brachiopoda, and Illustration in Appendix.
Lingulate : Shaped like the tongue or a strap; ligulate.
: Linigerous, Liniment, Lining, Link, Link motion, Linkage, Linkboy, Linked, Linking, Linkman
: Lingoa wood, Lingot, Lingua, Lingua Franca, Linguacious, Linguadental, Linguae, Lingual, Linguality, Linguatulida
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary