Vocabulary : Liparite to Lipogrammatist

Liparite : A quartzose trachyte; rhyolite.
Lipic : Pertaining to, or derived from, fat. The word was formerly used specifically to designate a supposed acid obtained by the oxidation of oleic acid, tallow, wax, etc.
Lipinic : Lipic.
Lipless : Having no lips.
Liplet : A little lip.
Lipocephala : Same as Lamellibranchia.
Lipochrin : A yellow coloring matter, soluble in ether, contained in the small round fat drops in the retinal epithelium cells. It is best obtained from the eyes of frogs.
Lipogram : A writing composed of words not having a certain letter or letters; -- as in the Odyssey of Tryphiodorus there was no A in the first book, no B in the second, and so on.
Lipogrammatic : Omitting a letter; composed of words not having a certain letter or letters; as, lipogrammatic writings.
Lipogrammatist : One who makes a lipogram.
Next : Lipoma, Lipothymic, Lipothymous, Lipothymy, Lipped, Lipping, Lippitude, Lipse, Lipyl, Liquable
Previous : Lion's foot, Lion's leaf, Lion's tail, Lions' teeth, Lion's tooth, Lionship, Lip, Lipaemia, Lipans, Liparian
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