Vocabulary : Lithargyrum to Lithiasis
Lithargyrum : Crystallized litharge, obtained by fusion in the form of fine yellow scales.
Lithate : A salt of lithic or uric acid; a urate.
Lithe : To listen or listen to; to hearken to. ;; Mild; calm; as, lithe weather. ;; Capable of being easily bent; pliant; flexible; limber; as, the elephant's lithe proboscis. ;; To smooth; to soften; to palliate.
Lithely : In a lithe, pliant, or flexible manner.
Litheness : The quality or state of being lithe; flexibility; limberness.
Lither : Bad; wicked; false; worthless; slothful.
Litherly : Crafty; cunning; mischievous; wicked; treacherous; lazy.
Lithesome : Pliant; limber; flexible; supple; nimble; lissom.
Lithia : The oxide of lithium; a strong alkaline caustic similar to potash and soda, but weaker. See Lithium.
Lithiasis : The formation of stony concretions or calculi in any part of the body, especially in the bladder and urinary passages.
: Lithic, Lithiophilite, Lithium, Litho, Lithobilic, Lithocarp, Lithochromatics, Lithochromics, Lithoclast, Lithocyst
: Literati, Literatim, Literation, Literator, Literature, Literatus, Lith, Lithaemia, Lithagogue, Litharge
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary