Vocabulary : Lithotomy to Lithotype
Lithotomy : The operation, art, or practice of cutting for stone in the bladder.
Lithotripsy : The operation of crushing a stone in the bladder with an instrument called lithotriptor or lithotrite; lithotrity.
Lithotriptic : Same as Lithontriptic.
Lithotriptist : One skilled in breaking and extracting stone in the bladder.
Lithotriptor : An instrument for triturating the stone in the bladder; a lithotrite.
Lithotrite : Alt. of Lithotritor
Lithotritist : A lithotriptist.
Lithotritor : A lithotriptor.
Lithotrity : The operation of breaking a stone in the bladder into small pieces capable of being voided.
Lithotype : A kind of stereotype plate made by lithotypy; also, that which in printed from it. See Lithotypy. ;; To prepare for printing with plates made by the process of lithotypy. See Lithotypy. ;; An etched stone surface for printing, having the design in relief; also, the process of printing from such a surface, or that which is printed from it. ;; A machine, with a keyboard like that of a typewriter, for making a lithographic transfer sheet. It produces a perforated strip of paper which controls the printing.
: Lithotyped, Lithotypic, Lithotyping, Lithotypy, Lithoxyl, Lithuanian, Lithy, Litigable, Litigant, Litigate
: Lithophyte, Lithophytic, Lithophytous, Lithosian, Lithosphere, Lithotint, Lithotome, Lithotomic, Lithotomical, Lithotomist
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary