Vocabulary : Litigated to Litraneter

Litigated : of Litigate
Litigating : of Litigate
Litigation : The act or process of litigating; a suit at law; a judicial contest.
Litigator : One who litigates.
Litigious : Inclined to judicial contest; given to the practice of contending in law; guarrelsome; contentious; fond of litigation. ;; Subject to contention; disputable; controvertible; debatable; doubtful; precarious. ;; Of or pertaining to legal disputes.
Litigiously : In a litigious manner.
Litigiousness : The state of being litigious; disposition to engage in or carry on lawsuits.
Litmus : A dyestuff extracted from certain lichens (Roccella tinctoria, Lecanora tartarea, etc.), as a blue amorphous mass which consists of a compound of the alkaline carbonates with certain coloring matters related to orcin and orcein.
Litotes : A diminution or softening of statement for the sake of avoiding censure or increasing the effect by contrast with the moderation shown in the form of expression; as, " a citizen of no mean city," that is, of an illustrious city.
Litraneter : An instrument for ascertaining the specific gravity of liquids.
Next : Litre, Litter, Litterateur, Littered, Littering, Littery, Little, Little-ease, Littleness, Littoral
Previous : Lithotyped, Lithotypic, Lithotyping, Lithotypy, Lithoxyl, Lithuanian, Lithy, Litigable, Litigant, Litigate
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