Vocabulary : Liturgies to Live-forever
Liturgies : of Liturgy
Liturgiologist : One versed in liturgiology.
Liturgiology : The science treating of liturgical matters; a treatise on, or description of, liturgies.
Liturgist : One who favors or adheres strictly to a liturgy.
Liturgy : An established formula for public worship, or the entire ritual for public worship in a church which uses prescribed forms; a formulary for public prayer or devotion. In the Roman Catholic Church it includes all forms and services in any language, in any part of the world, for the celebration of Mass.
Lituus : A curved staff used by the augurs in quartering the heavens. ;; An instrument of martial music; a kind of trumpet of a somewhat curved form and shrill note. ;; A spiral whose polar equation is r2/ = a; that is, a curve the square of whose radius vector varies inversely as the angle which the radius vector makes with a given line.
Livable : Such as can be lived. ;; Such as in pleasant to live in; fit or suitable to live in.
Live : To be alive; to have life; to have, as an animal or a plant, the capacity of assimilating matter as food, and to be dependent on such assimilation for a continuance of existence; as, animals and plants that live to a great age are long in reaching maturity. ;; To pass one's time; to pass life or time in a certain manner, as to habits, conduct, or circumstances; as, to live in ease or affluence; to live happily or usefully. ;; To make one's abiding place or home; to abide; to dwell; to reside. ;; To be or continue in existence; to exist; to remain; to be permanent; to last; -- said of inanimate objects, ideas, etc. ;; To enjoy or make the most of life; to be in a state of happiness. ;; To feed; to subsist; to be nourished or supported; -- with on; as, horses live on grass and grain. ;; To have a spiritual existence; to be quickened, nourished, and actuated by divine influence or faith. ;; To be maintained in life; to acquire a livelihood; to subsist; -- with on or by; as, to live on spoils. ;; To outlast dange
Lived : of Live ;; Having life; -- used only in composition; as, long-lived; short-lived.
Live-forever : A plant (Sedum Telephium) with fleshy leaves, which has extreme powers of resisting drought; garden ox-pine.
: Livelihed, Livelihood, Livelily, Liveliness, Livelode, Livelong, Lively, Liver, Liver-colored, Livered
: Littorina, Littress, Litui, Lituiform, Lituite, Liturate, Liturgic, Liturgical, Liturgically, Liturgics
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary