Vocabulary : Liver-grown to Liverymen
Liver-grown : Having an enlarged liver.
Liveried : Wearing a livery. See Livery, 3.
Liveries : of Livery
Livering : A kind of pudding or sausage made of liver or pork.
Liverleaf : Same as Liverwort.
Liverwort : A ranunculaceous plant (Anemone Hepatica) with pretty white or bluish flowers and a three-lobed leaf; -- called also squirrel cups. ;; A flowerless plant (Marchantia polymorpha), having an irregularly lobed, spreading, and forking frond.
Livery : The act of delivering possession of lands or tenements. ;; The writ by which possession is obtained. ;; Release from wardship; deliverance. ;; That which is delivered out statedly or formally, as clothing, food, etc. ;; The uniform clothing issued by feudal superiors to their retainers and serving as a badge when in military service. ;; The peculiar dress by which the servants of a nobleman or gentleman are distinguished; as, a claret-colored livery. ;; Hence, also, the peculiar dress or garb appropriated by any association or body of persons to their own use; as, the livery of the London tradesmen, of a priest, of a charity school, etc.; also, the whole body or company of persons wearing such a garb, and entitled to the privileges of the association; as, the whole livery of London. ;; Hence, any characteristic dress or outward appearance. ;; An allowance of food statedly given out; a ration, as to a family, to servants, to horses, etc. ;; The feeding, stabling, and care of horses for compensation; boarding;
Livery stable : A stable where horses are kept for hire, and where stabling is provided. See Livery, n., 3 (e) (f) & (g).
Liveryman : One who wears a livery, as a servant. ;; A freeman of the city, in London, who, having paid certain fees, is entitled to wear the distinguishing dress or livery of the company to which he belongs, and also to enjoy certain other privileges, as the right of voting in an election for the lord mayor, sheriffs, chamberlain, etc. ;; One who keeps a livery stable.
Liverymen : of Liveryman
: Lives, Livid, Lividity, Lividness, Living, Living picture, Livingly, Livingness, Livinian, Livonian
: Livelihed, Livelihood, Livelily, Liveliness, Livelode, Livelong, Lively, Liver, Liver-colored, Livered
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary