Vocabulary : Locken to Locksmith
Locken : of Lock. ;; The globeflower (Trollius).
Locker : One who, or that which, locks. ;; A drawer, cupboard, compartment, or chest, esp. one in a ship, that may be closed with a lock.
Locket : A small lock; a catch or spring to fasten a necklace or other ornament. ;; A little case for holding a miniature or lock of hair, usually suspended from a necklace or watch chain.
Locking : of Lock
Lockjaw : A contraction of the muscles of the jaw by which its motion is suspended; a variety of tetanus.
Lockless : Destitute of a lock.
Lockman : A public executioner.
Lockout : The closing of a factory or workshop by an employer, usually in order to bring the workmen to satisfactory terms by a suspension of wages.
Lockram : A kind of linen cloth anciently used in England, originally imported from Brittany.
Locksmith : An artificer whose occupation is to make or mend locks.
: Lockup, Lock-weir, Locky, Loco, Loco disease, Locoed, Locofoco, Locoing, Locomotion, Locomotive
: Lochial, Loci, Lock, Lock hospital, Lock step, Lock stitch, Lockage, Lock-down, Locked, Locked-jaw
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary