Vocabulary : Logistical to Logography
Logistical : Logical. ;; Sexagesimal, or made on the scale of 60; as, logistic, or sexagesimal, arithmetic.
Logistics : That branch of the military art which embraces the details of moving and supplying armies. The meaning of the word is by some writers extended to include strategy. ;; A system of arithmetic, in which numbers are expressed in a scale of 60; logistic arithmetic.
Logman : A man who carries logs.
Logmen : of Logman
Logodaedaly : Verbal legerdemain; a playing with words.
Logogram : A word letter; a phonogram, that, for the sake of brevity, represents a word; as, |, i. e., t, for it. Cf. Grammalogue.
Logographer : A chronicler; one who writes history in a condensed manner with short simple sentences. ;; One skilled in logography.
Logographic : Alt. of Logographical
Logographical : Of or pertaining to logography.
Logography : A method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used. ;; A mode of reporting speeches without using shorthand, -- a number of reporters, each in succession, taking down three or four words.
: Logogriph, Logomachist, Logomachy, Logometric, Logos, Logothete, Logotype, Logroll, Logroller, Logrolling
: Loggia, Logging, Logic, Logical, Logicality, Logically, Logicalness, Logician, Logics, Logistic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary