Vocabulary : Longinquity to Longish
Longinquity : Greatness of distance; remoteness.
Longipalp : One of a tribe of beetles, having long maxillary palpi.
Longipennate : Having long wings, or quills.
Longipennes : A group of longwinged sea birds, including the gulls, petrels, etc.
Longipennine : Of or pertaining to the Longipennes; longipennate.
Longiroster : One of the Longirostres.
Longirosters : of Longiroster
Longirostral : Having a long bill; of or pertaining to the Longirostres.
Longirostres : of Longiroster ;; A group of birds characterized by having long slender bills, as the sandpipers, curlews, and ibises. It is now regarded as an artificial division.
Longish : Somewhat long; moderately long.
: Longitude, Longitudinal, Longitudinally, Longlegs, Long-lived, Longly, Longmynd rocks, Longness, Longnose, Longshanks
: Longhorn, Long-horned, Longicorn, Longicornia, Longilateral, Longiloquence, Longimanous, Longimetry, Longing, Longingly
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary