Vocabulary : Look to Loomed
Look : To direct the eyes for the purpose of seeing something; to direct the eyes toward an object; to observe with the eyes while keeping them directed; -- with various prepositions, often in a special or figurative sense. See Phrases below. ;; To direct the attention (to something); to consider; to examine; as, to look at an action. ;; To seem; to appear; to have a particular appearance; as, the patient looks better; the clouds look rainy. ;; To have a particular direction or situation; to face; to front. ;; In the imperative: see; behold; take notice; take care; observe; -- used to call attention. ;; To show one's self in looking, as by leaning out of a window; as, look out of the window while I speak to you. Sometimes used figuratively. ;; To await the appearance of anything; to expect; to anticipate. ;; To look at; to turn the eyes toward. ;; To seek; to search for. ;; To expect. ;; To influence, overawe, or subdue by looks or presence as, to look down opposition. ;; To express or manifest by a look. ;; The act
Lookdown : See Moonfish (b).
Looked : of Look
Looker : One who looks.
Looking : of Look ;; Having a certain look or appearance; -- often compounded with adjectives; as, good-looking, grand-looking, etc. ;; The act of one who looks; a glance. ;; The manner in which one looks; appearance; countenance; face.
Looking-glass : A mirror made of glass on which has been placed a backing of some reflecting substance, as quicksilver.
Lookout : A careful looking or watching for any object or event. ;; The place from which such observation is made. ;; A person engaged in watching. ;; Object or duty of forethought and care; responsibility.
Lool : A vessel used to receive the washings of ores of metals.
Loom : See Loon, the bird. ;; A frame or machine of wood or other material, in which a weaver forms cloth out of thread; a machine for interweaving yarn or threads into a fabric, as in knitting or lace making. ;; That part of an oar which is near the grip or handle and inboard from the rowlock. ;; To appear above the surface either of sea or land, or to appear enlarged, or distorted and indistinct, as a distant object, a ship at sea, or a mountain, esp. from atmospheric influences; as, the ship looms large; the land looms high. ;; To rise and to be eminent; to be elevated or ennobled, in a moral sense. ;; The state of looming; esp., an unnatural and indistinct appearance of elevation or enlargement of anything, as of land or of a ship, seen by one at sea.
Loomed : of Loom
: Loom-gale, Looming, Loon, Loony, Loop, Looped, Looper, Loophole, Loopholed, Loopie
: Lonis quatorze, Loo, Loob, Loobies, Loobily, Looby, Looch, Looed, Loof, Looing
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary