Vocabulary : Lop to Lophobranchiate
Lop : A flea. ;; To cut off as the top or extreme part of anything; to sho/ -- by cutting off the extremities; to cut off, or remove as superfluous parts; as, to lop a tree or its branches. ;; To cut partly off and bend down; as, to lop bushes in a hedge. ;; That which is lopped from anything, as branches from a tree. ;; To hang downward; to be pendent; to lean to one side. ;; To let hang down; as, to lop the head. ;; Hanging down; as, lop ears; -- used also in compound adjectives; as, lopeared; lopsided.
Lope : of Leap. ;; To leap; to dance. ;; To move with a lope, as a horse. ;; A leap; a long step. ;; An easy gait, consisting of long running strides or leaps.
Lopeared : Having ears which lop or hang down.
Loped : of Lope
Lopeman : Leaper; ropedancer.
Loper : One who, or that which, lopes; esp., a horse that lopes. ;; A swivel at one end of a ropewalk, used in laying the strands.
Lophine : A nitrogenous organic base obtained by the oxidation of amarine, and regarded as a derivative of benzoic aldehyde. It is obtained in long white crystalline tufts, -- whence its name.
Lophiomys : A very singular rodent (Lophiomys Imhausi) of Northeastern Africa. It is the only known representative of a special family (Lophiomyidae), remarkable for the structure of the skull. It has handlike feet, and the hair is peculiar in structure and arrangement.
Lophobranch : Of or pertaining to the Lophobranchii. ;; One of the Lophobranchii.
Lophobranchiate : Of or pertaining to the Lophobranchii.
: Lophobranchii, Lophophore, Lophopoda, Lophostea, Lophosteon, Lophosteons, Loping, Loppard, Lopped, Lopper
: Looseness, Loosening, Loosestrife, Loosing, Loosish, Loot, Looted, Looter, Looting, Loover
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary