Vocabulary : Loveful to Lover
Loveful : Full of love.
Loveless : Void of love; void of tenderness or kindness. ;; Not attracting love; unattractive.
Lovelily : In manner to excite love; amiably.
Loveliness : The state or quality of being lovely.
Lovelock : A long lock of hair hanging prominently by itself; an earlock; -- worn by men of fashion in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I.
Lovelorn : Forsaken by one's love.
Lovely : Having such an appearance as excites, or is fitted to excite, love; beautiful; charming; very pleasing in form, looks, tone, or manner. ;; Lovable; amiable; having qualities of any kind which excite, or are fitted to excite, love or friendship. ;; Loving; tender. ;; Very pleasing; -- applied loosely to almost anything which is not grand or merely pretty; as, a lovely view; a lovely valley; a lovely melody. ;; In a manner to please, or to excite love.
Love-making : Courtship.
Lovemonger : One who deals in affairs of love.
Lover : One who loves; one who is in love; -- usually limited, in the singular, to a person of the male sex. ;; A friend; one strongly attached to another; one who greatly desires the welfare of any person or thing; as, a lover of his country. ;; One who has a strong liking for anything, as books, science, or music. ;; Alt. of Lovery
: Loverwise, Lovery, Love-sick, Love-sickness, Lovesome, Loving, Loving cup, Loving-kindness, Lovingly, Lovingness
: Loutou, Louver, Louvre, Lovable, Lovage, Love, Loveable, Loved, Love-drury, Lovee
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary