Vocabulary : Lowh to Lowliness
Lowh : strong imp. of Laugh.
Lowing : of Low ;; The calling sound made by cows and other bovine animals.
Lowish : Somewhat low.
Lowk : See Louk.
Lowland : Land which is low with respect to the neighboring country; a low or level country; -- opposed to highland.
Lowlander : A native or inhabitant of the Lowlands, especially of the Lowlands of Scotland, as distinguished from Highlander.
Lowlihead : A lowly state.
Lowlihood : Alt. of Lowlihead
Lowlily : In a lowly place or manner; humbly.
Lowliness : The state or quality of being lowly; humility; humbleness of mind. ;; Low condition, especially as to manner of life.
: Low-lived, Lowly, Low-minded, Low-mindedness, Lown, Low-necked, Lowness, Low-pressure, Lowry, Low-spirited
: Low-churchmanship, Lowed, Lower, Lower-case, Lowered, Lowering, Loweringly, Lowermost, Lowery, Lowgh
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary