Vocabulary : Low-studded to Loyally
Low-studded : Furnished or built with short studs; as, a low-studded house or room.
Low-thoughted : Having one's thoughts directed toward mean or insignificant subjects.
Loxodremism : The act or process of tracing a loxodromic curve; the act of moving as if in a loxodromic curve.
Loxodromic : Pertaining to sailing on rhumb lines; as, loxodromic tables.
Loxodromics : The art or method of sailing on the loxodromic or rhumb line.
Loxodromy : The science of loxodromics.
Loy : A long, narrow spade for stony lands.
Loyal : Faithful to law; upholding the lawful authority; faithful and true to the lawful government; faithful to the prince or sovereign to whom one is subject; unswerving in allegiance. ;; True to any person or persons to whom one owes fidelity, especially as a wife to her husband, lovers to each other, and friend to friend; constant; faithful to a cause or a principle.
Loyalist : A person who adheres to his sovereign or to the lawful authority; especially, one who maintains his allegiance to his prince or government, and defends his cause in times of revolt or revolution.
Loyally : In a loyal manner; faithfully.
: Loyalness, Loyalty, Lozenge, Lozenged, Lozenge-shaped, Lozengy, Lu, Lubbard, Lubber, Lubberly
: Low-lived, Lowly, Low-minded, Low-mindedness, Lown, Low-necked, Lowness, Low-pressure, Lowry, Low-spirited
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary