Vocabulary : Luminiferous to Lumpish
Luminiferous : Producing light; yielding light; transmitting light; as, the luminiferous ether.Luminosity : The quality or state of being luminous; luminousness.
Luminous : Shining; emitting or reflecting light; brilliant; bright; as, the is a luminous body; a luminous color. ;; Illuminated; full of light; bright; as, many candles made the room luminous. ;; Enlightened; intelligent; also, clear; intelligible; as, a luminous mind.
Lummox : A fat, ungainly, stupid person; an awkward bungler.
Lump : A small mass of matter of irregular shape; an irregular or shapeless mass; as, a lump of coal; a lump of iron ore. ;; A mass or aggregation of things. ;; A projection beneath the breech end of a gun barrel. ;; To throw into a mass; to unite in a body or sum without distinction of particulars. ;; To take in the gross; to speak of collectively. ;; To get along with as one can, although displeased; as, if he does n't like it, he can lump it.