Vocabulary : Lusorious to Lustful
Lusorious : Alt. of Lusory
Lusory : Used in play; sportive; playful.
Lussheburgh : A spurious coin of light weight imported into England from Luxemburg, or Lussheburgh, as it was formerly called.
Lust : Pleasure. ;; Inclination; desire. ;; Longing desire; eagerness to possess or enjoy; -- in a had sense; as, the lust of gain. ;; Licentious craving; sexual appetite. ;; Hence: Virility; vigor; active power. ;; To list; to like. ;; To have an eager, passionate, and especially an inordinate or sinful desire, as for the gratification of the sexual appetite or of covetousness; -- often with after.
Lusted : of Lust
Luster : One who lusts. ;; Alt. of Lustre ;; Alt. of Lustre
Luster Lustre : A period of five years; a lustrum.
Lustering : of Lustre ;; The act or process of imparting a luster, as to pottery. ;; The brightening of a metal in the crucible when it becomes pure, as in certain refining processes.
Lusterless : Alt. of Lustreless
Lustful : Full of lust; excited by lust. ;; Exciting lust; characterized by lust or sensuality. ;; Strong; lusty.
: Lustic, Lustihead, Lustihood, Lustily, Lustiness, Lusting, Lustless, Lustra, Lustral, Lustrate
: Lurker, Lurking, Lurry, Luscious, Lusern, Lush, Lushburg, Lusitanian, Lusk, Luskish
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary