Vocabulary : Macher to Machinate

Macher : One who marches.
Machete : A large heavy knife resembling a broadsword, often two or three feet in length, -- used by the inhabitants of Spanish America as a hatchet to cut their way through thickets, and for various other purposes.
Machiavelian : Of or pertaining to Machiavel, or to his supposed principles; politically cunning; characterized by duplicity or bad faith; crafty. ;; One who adopts the principles of Machiavel; a cunning and unprincipled politician.
Machiavelianism : The supposed principles of Machiavel, or practice in conformity to them; political artifice, intended to favor arbitrary power.
Machiavelism : Alt. of Machiavelianism
Machicolated : Having machicolations.
Machicolation : An opening between the corbels which support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, shooting or dropping missiles upen assailants attacking the base of the walls. Also, the construction of such defenses, in general, when of this character. See Illusts. of Battlement and Castle. ;; The act of discharging missiles or pouring burning or melted substances upon assailants through such apertures.
Machicoulis : Same as Machicolation.
Machinal : Of or pertaining to machines.
Machinate : To plan; to contrive; esp., to form a scheme with the purpose of doing harm; to contrive artfully; to plot. ;; To contrive, as a plot; to plot; as, to machinate evil.
Next : Machinated, Machinating, Machination, Machinator, Machine, Machined, Machiner, Machinery, Machining, Machinist
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