Vocabulary : Macrobiotic to Macrodactylic

Macrobiotic : Long-lived.
Macrobiotics : The art of prolonging life.
Macrocephalous : Having a large head. ;; Having the cotyledons of a dicotyledonous embryo confluent, and forming a large mass compared with the rest of the body.
Macro-chemistry : The science which treats of the chemical properties, actions or relations of substances in quantity; -- distinguished from micro-chemistry.
Macrochires : A division of birds including the swifts and humming birds. So called from the length of the distal part of the wing.
Macrocosm : The great world; that part of the universe which is exterior to man; -- contrasted with microcosm, or man. See Microcosm.
Macrocosmic : Of or pertaining to the macrocosm.
Macrocystis : An immensely long blackish seaweed of the Pacific (Macrocystis pyrifera), having numerous almond-shaped air vessels.
Macrodactyl : One of a group of wading birds (Macrodactyli) having very long toes.
Macrodactylic : Alt. of Macrodactylous
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